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Images Are the New Language

Images Are the New Language
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Images Are the New Language

Apparel brands and retailers have always been adept at catching the eye of the consumer. From age-old window dressings to the latest photo recognition software, fashion businesses know the power of visual appeal. Never is that call to our common...

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e-sample® explained
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e-sample® explained

The word “e-sample” sums up how some leading fashion brands are effectively communicating about sample fit and quality across diverse cultures and geographies. It also perfectly describes the core technology of FastFit360; so much so that the company registered e-sample®...

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360-Degree vs. 3-D Solutions: Many Differentiating Factors
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360-Degree vs. 3-D Solutions: Many Differentiating Factors

As apparel businesses search for the best solutions to reduce cycle time and improve quality, they are confronted with an array of software promising to speed design and product development, enhance global collaboration and cut costs. Multiple technology developers refer...

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