Can I use my iPhone, iPad, Android to access FastFit360 Cloud?

YES!  FastFit360 Cloud is accessible from any type of Tablet or Mobile Phone. We do not have an App. Log into FastFit360 Cloud by using the native Browser.  For example, on an iPad it is Safari. Use as you would from your desk, but now you have the power in your hands from anywhere, anytime. Remember to upload images and use BURST by uploading video.

What are the minimum system requirements of the user computers?

FastFit360 Cloud is accessible from anywhere, anytime from any type of computer: Mac, PC, Tablet or Mobile Phone. For optimal experience the machine should be no more than 2 years old.

Standard Win 7 Computer Purchase

  1. Dual or Quad Core Processor, 2.0 GHz or faster
  2. 4GBRAM
  3. 15 GB of available disk space
  4. Windows 7 64-bit
  5. Internet access

What are the supported browsers?

For optimal experience, we officially support the following browsers: Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11 / Firefox ESR 17 & 24 / Chrome / Safari 6 & 7.  The latest version of Java should be installed for free from for older browsers to support our custom annotation tool. Java is not needed for annotation on newer browsers including (but not limited to) IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox ESR 24, Chrome, Safari 6 & 7.

What are the minimum requirements on the Internet connectivity?

We recommend DSL, T1 and up. (1.5Mbps and up)

What if my partners are in a country with notoriously slow Internet speeds?

From the onset, FastFit360’s network strategy has been to get as close to the end user as is necessary, providing optimal performance by avoiding Internet congestion and latency. However, achieving that strategy requires building out a massive, distributed network, as well as the technology to efficiently manage such a network.

The issue becomes even more critical when looking at a global user base. A number of international countries—such as China, India, Australia, and many others—have notoriously poor external connectivity, meaning that content delivered from within these countries will have download speeds many times faster than content delivered from outside of these countries, due to the sharply limited capacity of external links.

FastFit360 achieves a higher level of performance by routing around Internet congestion and delivering content from servers closer to end users than the origin server(s).

What is the standard storage volume and length provided to clients?

FastFit360 provides the volume of storage necessary for your company depending on the number of styles and iteractions developed. An analysis is performed to calculate the required storage for your company. Storage volume & length are negotiated at time of contract. Basic package is 10GB stored indefinitely.

What about security?

At FastFit360 security is of the utmost concern. We know that the style images hosted with us are important and we treat them that way. Network perimeter security is achieved through dedicated redundant firewalls paired with state of the art intrusion detection systems. We work with our hosting partner to ensure optimal security at the firewall including port blocking, packet inspection, virtual private network, and more. Application traffic is restricted to port 443 (https) to simplify security controls. All data traffic is on port 443 using 128-bit SSL.

Application security is layered with redundant checkpoints. View layer security provides intrusion protection against common hacking vectors such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, URL tampering, cookie poisoning, and more. Database layer security redundantly confirms authorization to restricted data and logs all access. In addition we provide sub-domains by client and separated databases so that cross contamination is not an issue. At the operating system level, our processes run in reduced privileged mode (non-root) restricting access to a “needs-to-know” basis.

In addition, we continuously work to improve our overall security approach through threat modeling, policy review, training, and auditing. For example, our network engineers and developers are trained in the latest security methods reinforced through line-by-line code reviews performed on all major releases.

Where is the information hosted?

FastFit360 outsources hosting services to multiple large, publicly traded companies. We monitor our servers 24/7/365 and also support file and data replication to geographically dispersed disaster recovery servers. Servers can be located anywhere in the world depending on the needs of our customers.

Our hosting providers are certified as SAS 70 Type II by a third-party auditor. SAS 70 certification ensures that the hosting organization has been through an in- depth audit of their control objectives and control activities, which often include controls over information technology and related processes. A Type II report not only includes the service organization’s description of controls, but also includes detailed testing of the design and operating effectiveness of the service organization’s controls.

We can release the name of our hosting partner during contract negotiation but here is a partial list of our hosting partner’s credentials:

  1. SAS 70 Type II Certified
  2. PCI Security Standards Council Member
  3. Safe Harbor Certified
  4. Red Hat Premier Hosting Partner
  5. MySQL Certified Hosting Partner
  6. Red Hat certified engineers on staff (RHCE)
  7. Cisco and other network certified engineers on staff (CCNA, CCNP, CCIE,
  8. CCDA, CCDP, CCIP, CCSP, RHCE, LP11, LP12, A+, Server+, RHCT,
  9. MCSE, MCSA, MCP, Network+ and Linux+)
  10. Linux Journal Readers? Choice – Best Hosting Provider
  11. SQL Server Magazine Readers? Choice – Best Database Hosting Company

What technology platform is used?

FastFit360 is proudly Open Source