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Images Are the New Language

Images Are the New Language
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Images Are the New Language

Apparel brands and retailers have always been adept at catching the eye of the consumer. From age-old window dressings to the latest photo recognition software, fashion businesses know the power of visual appeal. Never is that call to our common...

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What Happens When You Hit ‘Send’?
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What Happens When You Hit ‘Send’?

Why the Cloud Is Coming Soon to Your Fashion Business Let’s be frank, e-mail wasn’t developed for sample workflow. Once we hit send, e-mails with all of our intellectual property are now at the mercy of the recipient to forward...

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How IT Giveth and Taketh Away
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How IT Giveth and Taketh Away

Writer Nicholas Carr electrified many readers with his 2008 article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” in The Atlantic. He concluded the piece with a poignant and alarming reference to what he sees as Stanley Kubrick’s “dark prophecy” from 2001: A...

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e-sample® explained
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e-sample® explained

The word “e-sample” sums up how some leading fashion brands are effectively communicating about sample fit and quality across diverse cultures and geographies. It also perfectly describes the core technology of FastFit360; so much so that the company registered e-sample®...

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